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Contractors Must Have a Website

Fresno Webmasters • October 8, 2020

Keeping busy during COVID-19 

Contractor Tools

Being a contractor these days can be a challenge. Having one’s livelihood at risk because of the slowdown of the economy. More than anything, you need to keep the jobs coming. Your family and your crew still need to be paid.

You need to build a sales funnel, a way that can work in the background. Therefore, you put your company name on your truck, buy business cards, and even get custom invoices printed. The problem is that the reach of those is very limited.

A website is a durable form of advertising. Once created it will serve as a representative of your company. With proper structure, a website promotes your company. One-half of all small businesses do not have websites. So by just getting a website, you are ahead of half of your competition.

What does a website gain you?

When people are considering getting anything locally, they use the internet. So, if they are looking to buy some shoes or getting their kitchen remodeled, 97% start by searching the web. The internet is an enormous library with almost unlimited amounts of information available. If you are not there, no one will ever find you.

A basic website acts as a listing, but one that the only way listing will be found is if you type in your company name. But, when you build a website with local SEO (Search Engine Optimization), people searching your type of business, there is a possibility for them to find you. 

Now if you use the website to promote yourself, say by blogging about your skills and jobs and sharing pictures of your work. You can increase the possibility that you will appear on page 1 of Google Search. You want to be on page 1 since over 90% of people never leave page 1 when searching for something. 

What about social media?

Using social media has been touted as a good way to market your services. Yes, it can generate some contact between you and your customers, it has one major limitation. It has no memory. Things are forgotten within days of your last posting. 

Search has been found 300% more effective than social media in directing web traffic. So you need a website for the searches to be found. Depending on your specialty with some work, once the website is set up, you can do your own promoting just by writing about your jobs. Show pictures of how the jobs started and finished. By writing a blog, you will rise in the Google ranks.

You need a custom-designed local optimized website!

Fresno Webmasters offers affordable custom designed websites for your construction company. Our basic setup includes on-page and local optimization built-in. Analytics are included on our custom websites. We offer a complete solution, where we start your blogs and import all your pictures. Link to your existing social media and can set up a monthly program to bring you up to page 1 on Google.

If you are interested in online advertising such as SEO, Google Ads or Facebook, Twitter, or any other types of ads, we have the experience to get you the best results at the best price.

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